PVP Claims
& Key Requirements

USDA’s Process Verified Program is a user-fee funded, audit-based, third-party verification service designed to provide agricultural suppliers with labeling and marketing tools that assure customers of the consistent quality of the products or services they purchase. In 2017, Irish beef received certification for eight key claims.

1. Irish Grass Fed Beef*

*Irish produced beef fed a diet greater than 90% grass (fresh weight) and at pasture for more than 220 days per year. See www.bordbia.ie/grassfed/ for more information.

2. Pasture Raised Beef*

*At pasture for more than 220 days per year (with a 40-day tolerance allowed where weather conditions, soil type and other environmental conditions are determined as an impeding factor to grazing outdoors). See www.bordbia.ie/grassfed/ for more information.

3. From Certified Sustainability Scheme*

*Verified sustainability programme from farmers to processors. See www.origingreen.ie/ for more information.

4. Raised on Family Farms


5. Raised Without Use of Growth Hormones

6. Responsible Use of Antibiotics

7. Full Farm to Fork Traceability

8. From Quality Assured Farms